Grace Orthodox Presbyterian Church is a reformed church. That means we are a…
Worshipping Church
Services are reverent and dignified, reflecting the majesty of the Lord present with us during worship. The preaching of the Scriptures, the Word of God written, holds the central place in our worship as by it, preaching, God reveals to us eternal life (Titus 1:1-3).
draw near to the throne of grace
Hebrews 4:16
Reformed Church
As a Reformed Church we have adopted the Westminster Confession of Faith and Catechisms as our expression of what the Scriptures teach. All of our pastors, elders, and deacons have vowed to uphold this form of doctrine.
justified by His grace
Titus 3:7
Orthodox Presbyterian Church
Our government is organized along historic Presbyterian lines. Our congregation is governed by its elders. Ruling elders share fully with the teaching elders (ministers) the government of the church. You can find out more about the Orthodox Presbyterian Church here.
according to the grace of God…laid a foundation . . . and another is building upon it
I Corinthians 3:10
Teaching Church
We are taught by the Scriptures that doctrine, sound biblical teaching, is what causes us to grow into maturity. Therefore, we are committed to teaching the whole counsel of God in our discipleship and other ministries.
the God of all grace…will Himself perfect, confirm, strengthen, and establish you
I Peter 5:10
Evangelistic Church
We take seriously Christ’s Great Commission to “go and teach all nations.” Our congregation is involved with bringing the whole counsel of God to the greater Lynchburg area as well as being involved in church planting throughout our presbytery and supporting missionaries in the world.
the grace which is spreading to more and more people
II Corinthians 4:15
Caring Church
Our ministry of mercy is committed to our ordained deacons who lead and steward this work. This ministry focuses on our congregation, the broader Lynchburg community, our regional church (the presbytery), and through our national level connections, the whole world.
in serving one another as good stewards of the manifold grace of God
I Peter 4:10
What Do Our Windows Mean?
This world is arrayed against God’s people and Satan wishes to crush Christ’s church. Even worse, our own nature is in rebellion to God and does not want to submit to him. Christ’s church is under pressure from within and without.
But God has given His church simple, practical means to strengthen and encourage. These are called the Means of Grace and are what our windows represent.
Each Lord’s day, they remind the congregation of the simple, ordinary means that we have been given and calls them to partake of the Means of Grace constantly.

The sacraments of Baptism and the Lord’s Supper were given to us by Christ. They are meant as signs of God’s work and for the strengthening of Christ’s Church.

God’s Word
The God who created this universe has spoken to His Creation. The Bible is written by God and is given to us to teach us about God.

Not only has God spoken to us, he invites, nay, commands us to speak to Him. Through prayer we learn humility; to rely on God for all things.